Instructions for the Seminar "Current Topics in Cellular Neurobiology" (Module M5404)

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How to get your graded certificate:

  • Every participant is expected to give two presentations. The first is an introduction into the broader topic. For this presentation,
         you are supposed to team up with your peer(s) working on the same topic. Make use of the provided background literature
         and use your own internet / literature search capabilities to spot suitable sources. The second talk will be given solely by
         yourself. It is about the original research paper, which you have chosen to present.
  • For your individual preparation, go to the list of dates / speakers on the seminar website. You will find background literature
         for all three major topics (indicated by “TXTB” (textbook) or “REV” (review) in the filename) in addition to the original article
         covering your specific topic. In some cases, the original article is accompanied by commenting information (“COMM”),
         which might ease your understanding. Download all background materials of your topic plus the original article / comments
         you are to present as well as the textbook chapters / reviews of the other topics.
  • Check whether Supplementary Materials (text, figures, movies etc.) are available on the journal website of your specific original
         article and, if so, download them as well. (Note: You have to be inside the KIT network to download from the corresponding
         journal websites).
  • Read and understand all relevant parts of the downloaded materials. Use, in addition, textbooks, the internet etc. and your brain
         to grasp the contents of the papers.
  • Seek the help of your respective advisor (email addresses are to be found on the list of dates and speakers) in case you don't
         understand major points.
  • Meet your team mate(s) and introduce your original article’s main contents to each other. Then discuss and decide upon the
         contents of an introductory presentation, which will familiarize the other seminar participants with the necessary background
         knowledge in the field reported on in your articles.
  • Together with your team mate(s), prepare an introductory presentation of maximally 15 min total length per speaker. In
         addition, prepare a 20min talk introducing the crucial data of the original article (and be prepared for a ≥10min discussion)
         for your own presentation.
  • Meet your advisor at least once for a final revision of each of your PowerPoint presentations before delivering your talks
  • We expect all attendants to be prepared for all three introductory and all listening sessions by reading the respective main
         reviews (“MAIN_REV”) of the other topics as well. You are expected to actively participate in the discussions.
  • One third of the grade will be awarded for your presentations, 1/3 for your understanding of the topic and 1/3 for your
         contributions to the discussions.
  • Attend all session of the seminar (otherwise bring a doctor’s certificate).
  • If you missed a seminar session you have to go to dentition in our institutional Journal Club (every Tuesday, 9:15 am
         in room 708 of building 30.43). One Journal Club counts for ½ seminar day.


      Mai 11th, 2017                                                                                                              Bentrop / Weth